CHICAGO, April 2, 2020 — Littelfuse, Inc., a global manufacturer of leading technologies in circuit protection, power control, and sensing, announced today the expansion of its SPXI series in-line solar fuses to include 35 to 60 amperage models. Designed to integrate into in-line assemblies within a wire harness, these 1500 V DC solar fuses protect photovoltaic (PV) installations from overloads and short circuits to minimize damage to solar panels.
“Littelfuse understands that the demands on critical solar power systems as a source of clean, renewable energy are growing,” said Sakthidharan Krishnamoorthy, product manager, Littelfuse Industrial Business Unit. “We are committed to providing higher amperage protection in a design that can be easily retrofitted within existing in-line configurations to stay ahead of the increasing needs of the industry.”
Other key benefits of the higher amperage solar SPXI in-line string fuses include:
- A single body case design to increase reliability and simplify retrofitting within existing solar power systems
- UL Recognized to UL248-19 standard, with 50 kA DC interrupting rating
- Product labels with QR codes offering real-time access to part numbers, voltage, programming terms, and date codes to save time with product replacements and inventorying
For more product information visit: littelfuse.com/spxi.
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